
Here are some of the unique ways I use classroom spaces, community engaged learning, and games in my pedagogies. These photographs represent a snapshot of what I do in the classroom; most days are more discussion-based, depending on the assigned reading. Groups for final projects work together all semester, and class discussions often involve screening short videos and small group activities.

When courses moved online due to the pandemic, I was prepared to use my training and experience with online education.

NMS 310: Social Media students work with EightCAP developing social media management best practices

NMS 330: Game Design II students take on the puzzles in Escape Room in a Box: The Werewolf Experiment board game.

In NMS 233: Tabletop Role-Playing Games, students use the flexible structure of Spring Term to run a mass combat from the Song of Ice and Fire setting

NMS 130: Interactive Media students present their final projects as a showcase

NMS 101: Introduction to Digital Media students peer review video projects (first group of images) and posters (second group) during class